Tom Peters Company | wow!store | re-imagine

Have you ever read anything by Tom Peters?

I’ve only read his more recent stuff, starting with re-imagine.

Link: Tom Peters Company | wow!store | re-imagine.

Re-imagine! By Tom Peters

More than just a how-to book for the 21st Century, Re-imagine! is a call to arms—a passionate wake-up call for the business world, educators, and society as a whole.

I find him to be totally outrageous and I tend to subscribe to practically all his ideas. You need to read him.

I found a few notes I wrote about him:
– Say it in 8 words, otherwise it’s too complicated. <<< A struggle for me. 😀
– You need to have that dream. <<< Yes!!!
– Be a great storyteller. <<< Yes!!!
– The power is with the one who sets the agenda (obvious) and the one who writes the minutes (crafts the memory, controls the spin, and knows what’s going on). Volunteer to do it! <<< I found this one most enlightening, since everyone tried to avoid doing these things. But after he said it, I realized what kind of power can be wielded. Thank goodness the ones who have taken the notes so far don’t realize this.

Here are also some bite-sized Tom pieces (relatively speaking) over at ChangeThis (which I also recommend as an eye-opener).