How to post to different services using the Nseries uploader

The N93 came out with a nifty little uploader that is integrated into the send function on the phone (I now use it on an N73). I’m not going to get into the plusses or minuses of the uploader, but now that I work with a lot of the folks involved in it, I expect I can give some direct input into its evolution.

The uploader uses the same Atom protocol developed for the Lifeblog posting protocol. Hence, just as with Lifeblog, you can point the uploader to any service that understands the posting protocol.

The key thing is to know the Atom API entry point. You can set this URL in the uploader Setting, under Advanced. There you can set all the service provider entry points (see the ones I know of below).

Here are the services I have used the uploader for:

It comes preset with the flickr settings. On your side, you need to get the special password to do the posting (go to the flickr Lifeblog page).

Username: your login email you use for flickr
Password: the special ‘Lifeblog’, Atom password you can find on the flickr Lifeblog page
Web address:

The Web address that is used as default is to post only to your flickr account. But, I like to post to flickr and then have flickr send it to my website. You set this in flickr somewhere, where it lets you determine where to automatically post your uploaded or emailed images. It’s called ‘flickr to blog’.

To set your uploader to use flickr to blog (or any of the other ones I mention below), you need to set up a new service provider in your uploader settings.

flickr to blog

Username: your login email you use for flickr
Password: the special ‘Lifeblog’, Atom password
Web address:

Since the whole Lifeblog protocol was worked out with the folks at Six Apart, you can also use the uploader to post to TypePad and Vox (I’ve never figured out how to do it to MoveableType, though).


Username: your TypePad username
Password: your TypePad password (now, that makes sense)
Web address: (the same one preset in Lifeblog, natch)


Username: your login email you use for Vox
Password: your Vox password
Web address:

The uploader is smart enough to resolve all the sites you might have on your TypePad account. Also, I think it’s cute how the Vox account comes back named (for me) ‘charlie’s playground’.

A tip:
You can get to the uploader (at least on the N73) via the Gallery. There’s a ‘Open online service’ way down the Gallery Options menu.

Lifeblog or the uploader?
It depends.

Lifeblog is more ‘after the fact’, while the uploader kicks-butt in that it’s integrated into the camera ‘send’ menu item. So, the uploader makes it really easy to send up a photo, just after you’ve taken it.

But, the uploader doesn’t let you change the orientation of the photo before you upload – you need to actually edit the image first in the Gallery before uploading it. That’s not fun.

I’m used to Lifeblog which makes it really easy to rotate the image (easier than Gallery) and then upload a bunch of images at once. If you just want to upload a bunch of images at once, then you can do that from Gallery.

So, I guess, it depends on what photo you took, how you want to upload it.

That’s all for now. Feel free to comment and add other services and Atom entry points (them Web addresses), too. Just remember, I’m not providing support here (though I’ll try to help if I can). I’m just writing this stuff down because I had a hard time finding all this info and would like to have it in one place. And you can read up on how to do stuff with this uploader on flickr’s site. They have some nice guides.

BTW, these Web addresses also apply for Lifeblog. So, you can also set up Lifeblog to post to flickr and Vox in the same way.


  1. agent smith,
    did you set a new service provider (go to uploader, options->settings->advanced, then open service providers, and options->add new service provider) that’s where you put the URL.
    then create a new account, selecting the new service as the basis for it.
    that’s where you put your username and such.
    a few other things:
    – everything is case sensitive.
    – also, i think that last slash in the url is necessary.
    hope that helps,
    ps i just tested it on the phone and from lifeblog on the pc and it’s fine.

  2. not working yet. Set up vox as service type, but it won’t let me set up account, or account doesnt show up in list of services. Is there a direct access to the uploader besides having to go to a photo to get to it?

  3. I know this is totally bringing the dead back to life regarding this post, but I was wondering if you or any of your colleagues have found a way to incorporate Kodak Mobile into the uploader?
    I’ve been a fan of Kodak Mobile since its Ofoto days and hold many of my kids younger images there. I do remember the N80IE that I had did in fact have Kodak Mobile in the uploader but I didn’t think to copy the Atom API settings… didn’t think this would be a difficult task.
    Please please please pass on the ability to bring back Kodak Mobile!!! BTW… how have ya been? 🙂

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