The Brightest Blast, noticed by a very small creature

Link: Sky and Telescope – The Brightest Blast.

The "superflare," from a magnetar named SGR 1806–20, irradiated Earth with more total energy than a powerful solar flare. Yet this object is an estimated 50,000 light-years away in Sagittarius, on the far side of the Milky Way galaxy behind dense interstellar clouds. "This is mind-boggling when you think about how far away it is," says Kevin C. Hurley (University of California, Berkeley), one of the lead investigators.

I can’t help but think of how tiny and insignificant we can sometimes seem. Isn’t it a marvel that we exist at all? Think of it: beings that are constantly going against entropy, living on a think crust of a little ball of molten rock, spinning around a tiny star, part of an immense galaxy, in a universe we can’t even fathom the size of?



  1. I do mention in my book “Amelia’s Voice” the Whirlpool galaxy. It is immense and has literary significance in the design of my ficiton book on Amelia Earhart.

  2. John,
    Cool. I think folks don’t look at the stars the way the ancients used to. The last 50 years have caused so much light pollution that the night no longer holds that awe it used to for most. I for one, still look at the sky intently whenever the black and stars and moon show through (and also by day).
    Good luck with your book.
    And, I went to Tobacco Road a few times back in the 80s. Great place.

  3. the whirlpool galaxy is about to whirl inside a hardcover edition of “Amelia’s Voice”. I epect it to be on the market by late August. What a ride! Both for Amelia and all the gals of 1929, and me.

  4. Death Stars. They are out there, but no one has a picture of one exploding yet. And what do they accomplish? Perhaps, and this is conjecture, they are population control devices. You think I’m kidding?

  5. The most exciting photos of nebulae that I have seen in a while are the Hourglass and Lagoon nebulae. I mention the Lagoon in my book Amelia’s Voice. It is a beauty, mysterious, and it is part of a dying star system.

  6. Finally, Amelia’s Voice is on the way. 476 pages of intense and glass-edged humor is on its way. So if you want to see the galaxies up close, better order a copy soon. All the 99s (Amelia’s flying group) are one the bandwagon to ride the Milky Way. Book should be on the counters by month end of September. Cheers!

  7. Finally, Amelia’s Voice is on the way. 476 pages of intense and glass-edged humor is on its way. So if you want to see the galaxies up close, better order a copy soon. All the 99s (Amelia’s flying group) are on the bandwagon to ride the Milky Way. Book should be on the counters by month end of September. Cheers!

  8. Just thought I’d drop a line to say that Amelia’s Voice is in print and is at John if you feel a need for a copy. It will soon have a world wide debut in Sky Control aviation magazine. They loved the book so much, they decided to give me a big send off for free. I feel very humbled by that experience. It’s the kind of break writer’s dream of. El Juan.

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