Pausing for station identification

On another blog I manage that’s work related, it was pointed out to me that it wasn’t clear who owned the blog (it was an oversight). So I updated the About page to reflect the nature of the blog and ‘paused for a station identification’ so that it would be clear what was going on.

In a way, I think it’s important to do the same here, since I actually haven’t really revealed myself much here (I am not comfortable promoting myself).

Cognections is a personal site and has two public blogs:

  • The main home blog – On this blog I post musings, statements, and reflections, looking for connections between precognition, cognition, and recognition (how philosophical). It’s pretty personal. This is the one I use to mostly blog images and videos.
  • My Lifeblog blog (this one) – since I am head of marketing and sales in the Lifeblog team at Nokia, Lifeblog is a large part of my life. I am hooked on it, especially on my phone. Of course, being in my position, I get nervous promoting my enthusiasm for Lifeblog (it’s an authenticity thing), so I try to frequently make the point clear that, additionally, I am on the Lifeblog team, especially the more enthusiastic I get. I AM MAKING THAT POINT NOW, AGAIN.

Also, I am very very careful not to turn this blog into some sort of sales and marketing site for Nokia. That would be gross. Such a site I would locate smack-dab in the middle of Right? Here I just want to be myself – enthusiastic for Nokia products (which I was before I joined Nokia – you can Google for proof), excited to share what I know, and a bit on the edge, just to stir things up.

Nonetheless, this is a personal blog, and I try to be honest and up-front with everything I do. Now that you’ve read this, don’t forget to whack me when it seems I am deviating from my mission.



  1. A pause for station identification

    As of 01 June 2005, I am also no longer part of the Lifeblog team. I wish them fun and luck in their new digs and that they can keep kicking butt and creating great stuff. In the past month

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