Tip on how to post just text from Lifeblog on the phone

Sometimes you don’t want to create a note to make a text-only post from Lifeblog on the phone. So, here’s a trick:

1 Select ‘Option->Post to web’ to go to the posting form (you need to select an item that can be posted).
2 Remove the item by moving to the item and then select ‘Option->Remove item’.

Now you have a post without items, only a title and body text places.



  1. At least with the atom gateway livejournal uses, that’s the *only* way to just post text. (The path I’d found that actually worked was create a note, don’t bother to put anything in it, post-to-web, delete the note part, and fill in the body text; anything else gave a mysterious unrelated error message. There’s a lengthy livejournal support-question of me figuring this out by trial and error; I don’t know who to blame for the miscategorization of the errors, but I *can* complain (:-) about lifeblog not having a “show me what really went wrong” button, “more detail on this error”, or even “enable developer mode” that logs the transaction to a file.)
    Since I’m here – is there a good place to report client bugs? (assuming it’s still a bug: start a picture post, write a bunch of body-text, hit send, hit cancel, go back and put the *right* journal in the top box [ie. switch it to flickr from livejournal, since I can’t set a default I have to remember to keep changing it], hit send again, and watch the app entirely crash, losing the body-text I spent 5 minutes thumbing in. The bug isn’t actually the crash – it’s the losing-the-body-text part 🙂

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