Talking blogging in Rio and São Paulo in Brasil

Vista da Lagoa apartir da trilha do Corcovado
Vista da Lagoa apartir da trilha do Corcovado

It will be fun to spread the word and meet enthusiasts. I’ll be in SP Wed-Fri and hop over to Rio for a fun night (the customers ended up coming to SP instead). I head back to Finland on Saturday. Wish I could stay longer.

Significance of photo from Rio – I used to live on the lake, in the upper left corner, between the hills. Sigh.


  1. Cool, someone who works for Nokia and was responsible for LifeBlog. Been using it since about April and love it (had purchased it after two days of trying it out). The only down point is that it is only compatible with Typepad Blog, which isn’t free. I’ve got three blogs on which I regularly upload photos I made with my 6630 (I’ve got the 6630 in March and had been taking photos solely from the phone) and then post them on my blog. It’d be great to see LifeBlog becoming compatible with LiveJournal or Blogger sometimes….just an idea. Cheerz!

  2. Lifeblog is compatible with Flickr, which is free, and I believe you can have Flickr forward on your photos to your Blogger blog.
    Dan (Lifeblog team)

  3. Hey Dan, thank you very much for the tip about Flickr! Now I really can MoBlog with my LifeBlog, ie. use it to its full extent! I’ve made my first MoBlog entry with a photo yesterday, kinda exciting! Thanks again!

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