Russ – 500 Million Camera Phones in 2005

Boom. Boom. Boom. Here’s thumpin’ good.

Link: Russell Beattie Notebook � 500 Million Camera Phones in 2005.

Time to thump the drum again.

There’s going to be over 800 million mobile phones sold this year, and over 500 million of them will have cameras, according to this article over at InternetWeek. The numbers are projected to climb to over 90% of the 1 billion phones sold a year in 2009.

Think about it. A half a billion network enabled multimedia handsets sold this year alone. Compare this to the roughly 800 million PC Internet users out there and you start to see what’s happening. Yes, many of these phones are only 2.5/2.75G with 40kbps – 100 kbps data speeds, the phones aren’t very powerful or use closed systems and their users are saddled with expensive cellular data plans. But that’s not going to last for long – in fact, it probably won’t last another 18 months.


  1. Worth a thousand words – who wouldn’t want to double their market size?

    Hopefully, the list of companies in Charlie’s request for comments will see the opportunity in mobile or Silicon Valley risks missing another chance at the billions $$$ available from the pent-up demand for services and connected apps for users 2.0. Ar…

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