Way way way off-topic: Brasil 1×0 Croatia

A wee tid-bit: I’m half-Brasilian and grew up in Brasil. Natch, football* is a passion (my daughter and son play it). As fates would have it, I married an amazing footballer who shares my love of the game.

This month I pulled out the TV from storage to watch the Cup (as I do every 4 years).

What’s this got to do with the Mobile Lifestyle? Uh, nothing really. So, here’s a mobile plug:

I’ve been following the matches I can’t watch with Yahoo’s FIFA World Cup mobile portal.

Hmmm, maybe a review is in order.

*Football? Yes, I might be an American, but I grew up calling it football and now I live in Europe. Football is a game you play with your feet, not with tons of padding and a helmet and a ball nestled in your arms. 😛


  1. Brazil looked surprisingly ineffective against a well-organized Croatian defense. Hard to judge much from the first match of the first round, though.
    Funny that you latch on to the Brazilians rather than the USA after the hiding yesterday 🙂

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