In a bout of frustration, Dave Harper flung his hands up to the digital sky and wished that WINKsite had a Wikipedia entry.
Well, I like WINKsite so much, I did it myself.
Alas, as I was in the process of writing it, it instantly got dinged by the Wikipedia powers that be – too commercial.
So, I tried again, pleaded my case, and now there’s an entry (link below).
One thing, it needs to be wikified. So, can you all just go there and help me? I just won’t be able to properly get to it for at least two weeks (traveling).
Leave a note here if you do.
Link: Winksite – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
Wireless Ink’s WINKsite is a tool for creating mobile websites. Since 2001, Winksite has been mobilizing websites and publishing content to mobile communities.
OK, so what’s the big deal? 1) I like WINKsite and Dave, so it means something to me at least. 2) I don’t put stuff on Wikipedia, so it’s a big deal for me to put in the effort.