Social networks repeat themselves or collapse upon themselves like some supernova…

At Loïc’s confab back in Dec, I met Kevin Slavin from Area/Code.

Really nice guy. Clever, too.

Well, he added me to his Twitter list and I was pleased, since he was always on my mind.

Now, it looks like I we might do something together. Because of that, he now invited me to Dopplr (from Matt Jones and Matt Biddulph) so that we could make sure we hook up when our travel lines cross (we travel all too much, so it’s a pain in the tusch to always try and coordinate).

I signed up, futzed around, started adding some trips. Then I decided to just see who’s on Kevin’s fellow traveller’s list.

I think I knew personally a good number of them.

Thinking back to the number of folks I knew at reboot 9 (many on Kevin’s list, too), I think I’m linked somehow to this loose but stable network of people and whenever I pick up one thread, a bunch of others I know about show up.

Kinda funny.

I’m glad I know these folks. For sure they make me think (among other things). I highly respect the cool things they do. I am tickled pink that they include me, too.
