“An E.U.-sponsored certification scheme should adhere to the following principles:
* Biofuels development should not be at the expense of human rights
* Biofuels should be environmentally sustainable
* Biofuels should contribute to a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
* Biofuels should adhere to fair-trade principles
* Costs and benefits of biofuels should be distributed in an equitable way “
Bioethics comes to biofuels. With all the talk here in the US about corn-derived biofuel, I think this report pushes the discussion forward even more: yes, we need renewable sources of fuel, but we need to take the total cost into consideration, not make biofuel for biofuel’s sake. Furthermore, total cost has to be more than “considered”, there needs to be a way to make producers and distributors and users pay for the true cost at each stage, rather than letting the environment and human right heap on the losses.
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