I’m so excited to be at HealthFOO this weekend (it had been postponed from April). And I am extremely humbled by the folks who will be there.
Of course, I’ll be there with an open mind to hoover all I can and collide it all in my wee head to see what interesting things come out and excite me.
I am sure, though, I will have a moderate amount of bias looking for things that fuse connected health, mhealth, digital health, mobile, analytics, storytelling, and the like – topics that pull in so much of my background and interests and natural proclivities.
I’ll also keep eyes and ears open for things around precision medicine, personalized medicine, translational research – as that’s an area I’ve concentrated a lot at work lately.
And, I expect to have some (one, at least, I hope) exciting conversation on the practical use of microbes, transfaunation, probiotics, and the kind – it’s a idea that’s wedged itself in my brain for a long time and hard to meet folks in as I stick around digital types too much.
Though I’ve volunteered an Ignite talk on it.
In any case, if you’re there, look for me – tall, bald, bearded, and with a look of wonder and excitement. You could ask me about mobile, social media, Brasil. But I’d rather you asked me about storytelling, microbes, 777 Labs, and high touch care.
If you’re not there, I am not sure I’ll be tweeting from @molecularist and definitely not posting anything over the weekend. But do come back or follow @molecularist should I get my usual non-stop, over-excited, stream of thought posting when all the FOO ideas start spawning their own thoughts.
Image from stranded attendees in April 2013 tedeytan