Yup. Another year and a half has gone by since my last station identification. So much has happened and so little has changed since then.
Who am I? I’m Charlie Schick. I’m passionate about the intersection of design, mobile, and data. Also, I’m a recovering PhD, and proudly ex-IBM, -Boston Children’s, -Nokia.
In the past year, I’ve been getting deep into cyber security (again) and hardware hacking. In the last ten years, I’ve been focused on healthcare and the life sciences (again). In the last twenty years, I’ve guided category-leading companies, from global titans to small startups, with digital product design, market insights, and go-to-market strategy.
One more thing, I enjoy sharing my experience, insights, and exploits, especially through writing for and speaking to large audiences and engaging with others in stimulating conversations, including the office of CxOs. Let me know how I can help in this capacity.
Right now
My current 100% is with Owl Cyber Defense, a cybersecurity hardware and service firm. I lead their business development and corporate innovation in healthcare and the life sciences, growing a new segment for Owl products by uncovering and establishing new and innovative business, partnering, and product opportunities.
I see myself occupied by Owl for the foreseeable future, though outside of Owl, there have been some other fun developments (more later).
And of course, my standard disclaimer
(my usual riff off of an ancient Cringely disclaimer)
Everything I write here on this site is an expression of my own opinions, NOT of any of my clients or anyone I work for, especially Owl. If these were the opinions of my clients or Owl, the site would be under their name and, for sure, the writing and design would be much more professional. Likewise, I am an intensely trained professional writer :-P, so don’t expect to find any confidential secret corporate mumbo-jumbo being revealed here.
If you have ideas or projects that you think I might be interested in please contact me, Charlie Schick, at firstname.lastname@molecularist.com or via my profile on LinkedIn.
Image from pixabay