Yes, another station ID post. And, not that you’re keeping score, normally I have large gaps between them. Alas, we live in Strange Times and strange things happen. So, here we are again, providing an update as I enter a new and interesting role.
Who am I? I’m Charlie Schick. I’m passionate about exploring how the intersection of bits and atoms help us tell stories of our physical-digital-sublime world. I also advise companies on product design, business strategy, and new market opportunities. I’m a recovering PhD, too, and proudly ex-IBM, -Boston Children’s, -Nokia.
By day
I just started (August 2022) a new role as Senior Advisor, Invest in Finland, connecting US organizations with business and investment opportunities in Finland. I will be focused, as has been my long-time interest, on opportunities in digital health and life sciences. I look forward to sharing with all of you my stories and successes in this new adventure.
By night
A most amazing development in the past few years is my journey into embedded electronics, 3D printing, and making in general. I post most of my projects to this blog, so do keep coming back to see what I’m up to. Oh, the places we’ll go.
Because I can’t stop
For a very long time, I’ve been sharing my experience, insights, and exploits, especially through writing for and speaking to large audiences and engaging with others in stimulating conversations, including the office of CxOs. With my new role, I expect things kick up again in this space. Let me know how I can help in this capacity (tho most likely through LinkedIn).
And of course, my standard disclaimer
(my usual riff off of an ancient Cringely disclaimer)
Everything I write here on this site is an expression of my own opinions, NOT of any of my customers or anyone I work for, especially the Finnish government. If these were the opinions of my customers or the Finnish government, the site would be under their name and, for sure, the writing and design would be much more professional. Likewise, I am an intensely trained professional writer , so don’t expect to find any confidential secret corporate mumbo-jumbo being revealed here.
If you have ideas or projects that you think I might be interested in, please contact me, Charlie Schick, at or via my profile on LinkedIn.
Yes, you can find me on Twitter. I use it more to follow an amazing community of makers, to be marveled by their creativity, commentary, and caring; though, do say ‘hi’ if you swing by. Left Twitter for good 15feb2023, after 16 years.
Image from a project of mine exploring life, longevity, and dementia