Phone mirroring – something I did on my Nokia S60 almost 20 years ago

[sarcastic clap clap clap]

OK, I truly don’t know if this is a new thing or if Apple is Sherlocking some poor developer. But, congratulations Apple for releasing one more feature that I’d used forever ago.

In short, in the new iOS and MacOS, one cam mirror ones phone on their Mac, clicking and doing stuff, from the comfort of your keyboard.

Instead of a separate device, your iPhone is now just an app on your Mac. There’s a lot left to finish and fix, but it’s a really cool start.

Source: Phone mirroring on the Mac: a great way to use your iPhone, but it’s still very much in beta – The Verge

Been there, done that
There was a very talented Series 60 developer (did I give him an award during the first (and only?) Series 60 Platform awrds?) with a range of useful apps (yes, we had apps long before Apple popularized them).

One of the apps was indeed an app to mirror your phone on our laptop. Really nifty and I used it all the time.

That had to be around 2004-2005. I don’t recall. I left the S60 world in 2004.

Yeah, I have a long list of things that Nokia did back then that somehow Apple gets all the glory for. Tho, to be fair, Apple was the one that enthused folks and inspired them to engage, so they deserve all the glory.


Image from The Verge