Awesome Clay Shirky interview (with a side-comment that cuts too close)
Glenn Fleishman did a great interview (back in March) of Clay Shirky on the topics in Clay’s new book ‘Here Comes Everybody’. Clay, as always,...
Glenn Fleishman did a great interview (back in March) of Clay Shirky on the topics in Clay’s new book ‘Here Comes Everybody’. Clay, as always,...
Ok, so lifestreaming is the rage of ’08, what with SocialThing! and Friendfeed and all similar services hogging all the attention. But I also see somethin...
Just stumbled upon this (no longer remember how): Link: At SwitchAbit, Twittergram Shares a Common Future – GigaOM So what is a SwitchAbit? Think of it as...
What do I get when I mix a top level domain I really do not like, with a concept (transcoding) that I have been grappling with for years, and two really smart g...
Loïc wrote a great article (with video) on global thinking for start-ups, with a ton of great tips (link below). But, I think he’s being a bit narrow-mind...
I’ve been reading about iGEM and the Registry of Standard Biological Parts. It’s a component view of biology – that there are parts in biology...
I haven’t been paying much attention to 23andMe. I heard about them, but have yet to dig deep into what they are up to. To me, it’s bringing genetic...
Josh Cantone, on Read Write Web has a run-down of a bunch of different ways to lifestream (link below). I don’t know about you, but I think that’s s...
The list of names of the companies in this TechCrunch article looks like my own watch list. If you are curious why I think 2008 is about lifestreams, then just ...
I’ve been playing with Socialthing for a few weeks (link to blog below). They recently outed themselves at SXSW, and were blessed with a barrage of traffi...