Scott Shaffer has touched a nerve with physical world hyperlinks
Scott was interviewed as part of an excellent article in the Wall Street Journal on barcodes and mobiles. Go read it on his site (link below). It has generated ...
Scott was interviewed as part of an excellent article in the Wall Street Journal on barcodes and mobiles. Go read it on his site (link below). It has generated ...
Now why isn’t Nokia making these?* Technically, how hard can it be? And, I am so biased that I think Nokia could kick tusch in terms of usability and such...
I will soon be getting a nifty tiny GPS receiver to hook up via Bluetooth to my phone. I’m going to be doing some deep testing and reviewing of an app (an...
I was in a meeting recently and we were talking about the number of people with Nokia phones, the number of Nokia phones sold a year, and other large numbers as...
Fabio Sergio has a great brainwave on operators, ‘who will establish a privileged relationship with the customer’, and the ‘ecology of value...
One thing that has been dear to me is how to bring together, on our mobile, our whole Web experience that we are used to through the large-screen PC-based brows...
I’ve toyed with it for a while, but was dissatisfied with downloading megs and megs over 3G. But, now with my nifty N93 with WiFi, it’s great! Now t...
You all know my fascination with WINKsite, a really versatile service for building mobile Web sites that fits into the mobile lifestyle. It’s simple, easy...
Posing (l to r): Tuomas (photographer, extraordinaire), Toni (publisher, Brand magazine), Anina, and Reidar (marketing dude, Samsung) I got an unexpected call y...
Woah. Powerful. Read more at Scott’s. Link: The Pondering Primate: Microsoft Connects The Physical World With Camera Phone. Maybe more, actually. Photo2Se...