Hah, Netvibes is so 2006 – enter Twitter, Poster Child 2007
Do you feel barraged with Twitter articles or have you already submitted to the Twitter disease? What really makes me laugh is that everyone is a-twitter about ...
Do you feel barraged with Twitter articles or have you already submitted to the Twitter disease? What really makes me laugh is that everyone is a-twitter about ...
Interesting way of finding a trainee – mixing mobile marketing, mobile contest, and other interesting things. Too bad the event makes my head hurt. Link: ...
OK. So sometimes we shouldn’t make things too easy. But other times, we make things too goddamned hard when the process should be simple. I was telling yo...
I sometimes hand folks I know one of our high-end phones to see what they do with them. All too often, I see folks with amazing devices and they are quite conte...
In the cloud.
A few weeks ago, I was in a workshop where we were asked to write a poem (see it here, if you dare). Well, Phil, who was one of the co-writers of that afore-men...
Go figure. I had recently heard of the new Daylight Savings Time rules in the US (at least) and saw some discussion regarding Apple and such. Well, at least my ...
Matt tapped my shoulder on this one. I have to concur. Seamless – A penny for everytime some service provider uses this word. I’ve never really been...
Twitter intrigues me. I stumbled upon an amazing article (link below) dissecting Twitter and introducing me to Twitterific, a separate ‘widget’ to i...
All right. I’m an now fully in the camp of ‘WTF are the operators thinking?’. A few years back, I was uploading a few videos and it kept faili...