At a recent meeting, we were discussing Internet services, past and present. I then made the comment that many of the ideas we are coming up with now were alrea...
At a recent meeting, we were discussing Internet services, past and present. I then made the comment that many of the ideas we are coming up with now were alrea...
David is back and revamping his baby, WINKsite. This post here (link below) is really good at providing the background and motivation behind WINKsite, and I can...
Wow. Dave told me it was coming and I’ve been waiting and waiting. WINKsite’s Web site is going through a major overhaul and, while the old is still...
I don’t know how long they have been offering this, but the nice guys at Kaywa, providers of personal mobile sites, provide some nice pages to help folks ...
Try as I may to do otherwise, I come off sounding like a broken record: By the end of next year there will be three billion people with mobile phones. When talk...
Thems a lot of apples. It seems that soon we will be maxing out the world. Then what? Link: Global Handset Sales Historical & Forecasts, 2002-2011. Summary ...
A quick comment. Web 2.0 – That’s so 2005. Move on. You can review all my previous ‘Tired Words’ here on this page.
Just a little demographic tidbit I heard about yesterday. If I am not mistaken, the US is bucking the trend of population contraction and lower birth-rate. Finl...
File this one as ‘Something said daily at work that I can’t avoid’. Experiences – Ugh. From commodities, to packaged goods, to services,...
I am constantly trying to improve the way I communicate thoughts and concepts I have, trying to have an economy of words, yet very descriptive expressions. Toda...