Mobile Panel suggestion for Les Blogs 2.0 preliminary program

If the organizers are thinking of a Mobile Web 2.0 sort of session (they should), there are some people I can recommend (other than me – I’m disqualified).

Dave Harper, WINKsite (Scott Rafer is talking about RSS)
Debi Jones
Shawn Conahan, Intercasting Corp
Ni Jian, Nokia (what’s he doing on a video panel?)
Christian Lindholm, Yahoo!

Here’s the program as it stands.

Paris December 5-6th 2005: Les Blogs 2.0 preliminary program

The program is shaping up for the Les Blogs 2 (link below). I’m now officially going and am looking forward to it, since I don’t think I will be able to make it to the US before then and talk with all these folks.

But, about the program?


As expected, it’s going to be one of those conferences where, even though it’s supposed to be cutting edge and make us think, there is NO focus on the Mobile Lifestyle, not even a focused 30 minutes (don’t get me going). Sure, I see 4 people who just might bring up mobile:
Scott Rafer – he’s on the program for Feedster, but is now Chairman of Wireless Ink. Hope he throws a few bombs from his new role.
Ni Jian – from the Nokia Lifeblog – let’s see how he does. I used to work with him.
Anina – she’s great! Hope she throws a few bombs.
Marko Ahtisaari – An amazing guy, all around. Listen to what he has to say about design and mobile. Unfortunately, he’s left for last.

Yup, mobile will remain an afterthought.

On the plus side, it tells me that there is plenty of work for me (let’s talk!).

Link: LES BLOGS 2 – Paris December 5-6th 2005: Les Blogs 2.0 preliminary program.

Don’t you feel the rules and our world are changing ? Don’t you feel changed by what many people call the Web 2.0 ? We believe as most of you that the way we work, the way we learn and teach, the way we interact with one another and more generally our expectations and relationships to other people, the institutions, the business world and politics are changing dramatically.

Pentagon-White House-Capitol on Google Maps?

I love looking around on Google Maps when I have the time. But, this blurring and resolution things is something.

  • Massachusetts appears in great detail, such that I can see my old house.
  • Connecticut, on the other hand, is mostly blurred (close up of Hartford). Check out this link to see Massachusetts stand out in clarity from the surrounding states (I think the images were taken at different seasons, too).
  • In DC, the White House and Pentagon are crystal clear, but the Capitol and surrounding buildings are blurred. Huh?


What is your personal brand? – think about it…

Link (via Hugh): think jose: What is your personal brand? – think about it….

The Global Microbrand is so much more than being self-employed or even putting yourself on the web. It is all about finding the one thing that makes you dramatically different, that one story that you can tell better than any one else. The beauty is that we all have that power to do one thing really well and gather an audience that is looking to hear that story.

Basically, the little guy (or gal) can now easily reach a global audience.