Reflections on Life caching using Lifeblog

From the boss himself. Instrumental in getting Lifeblog to where it is today (yes, there are others who were also instrumental), he is nonetheless the ultimate Lifeblogger.

Link: Reflections on Life caching using Lifeblog.

The very cool site, a place for emerging trends have returned to the the topic of Life caching, a term for a mega trend they ‘discovered’ in September. I think they are spot on. This is an emerging mega trend, actually one which will shape most people in one way or another. In short it is the future of memories, and as such the future of civilization…Ok it sounds grand..anyway I was really flattered to be used as a good example. Thanks guys, keep on discovering trends! lets meet someday.

At the end of the post I have collected 6 lessons learned and questions I am thinking of.

Anina does it again! ps-models go mobile

Anina is a bundle of energy (see her list of things here) and really wants to spread the love of mobile to the whole fashion industry. I’ve been fortunate to be pulled into this whirlwind of activity, mostly by providing what little support I can (a few phones mostly, so far). The main thing for me is to keep out of her way so she can do her thing (and she’s so patient with me!).

Also, I am careful to make sure I don’t tread on her work so that it is clear to everyone that she’s the force, inspiration, and owner of all her work. It would suck if someone thought she was a just some fake from Nokia.

Au contraire, she’s the genuine article, a true ‘new kind of supermodel’ who gets a kick out of hacker magazines, doing funky things with her gadgets, and letting everyone know about her enthusiasm.

He latest thing is to try and set up agencies to take better advantage of mobile, blogs, and advanced multimedia apps. Below is a link to he announcement of some work she has done with her agency in Germany.

Link: ps press release.

Anina, you rock!

Le blog de iFeedYou – Lifeblog – Introduction

Nice review in French from Jerome.

Link: Le blog de iFeedYou – Lifeblog – Introduction.

Lifeblog est un outil simple pour transferer et sauvegarder le contenu (photos, videos, MMS, SMS,..) de son telephone sur son ordinateur.
Si vous appreciez de pouvoir synchroniser votre agenda et vos contacts sous Outlook (ou autre logiciel) avec votre PDA ou votre mobile alors vous apprecierez la possibilite de synchroniser vos fichiers “medias” grace a Lifeblog.

frankie roberto blog – Early Thoughts on Nokia Lifeblog

Frankie gets it. Do you?

Link: frankie roberto blog – Early Thoughts on Nokia Lifeblog.

This whole idea is right up my street. I’ve taken literally thousands of photos on my old nokia 7250i, and had to copy them to the computer manually, storing them in a folder on my hard disk which is tricky to navigate. As a simple application for managing the photos you take on your mobile, Lifeblog works like a dream. Connecting the phone to my computer, I just click to transfer files, and Lifeblog sucks out all my recent photos, messages and videos, leaving my memory card free to go out and take more. Stuff that I want to keep on my phone I can mark as ‘favorite’ and it gets copied back.

Easter treat

Mämmi, cream, and sugar
Mämmi, cream, and sugar
Mämmi is a traditional Finnish rye malt dessert that is eaten during Easter.
Mämmi is a traditional Finnish rye malt dessert that is eaten during Easter.

It’s an acquired taste. But, it’s not one of those desserts you eat a bunch of. A small dollop suffices. This one was pretty tasty, though. The brand was Kympi (a way to say ‘ten’). It came frozen (as usual) in a box printed to look like birch bark. How cute.

Oh, and don’t mistake it for chocolate mousse as I did the first time I ate this. 😉