More adventures in common sense … with a happy ending


By modern aviation security rules, these items are considered a threat. Indeed, I can see how an individual or group armed with these items can over power the crew and passengers of an airplane. Right. Of course, according to the laws of most civilized countries, these are considered absolutely harmless for people of most ages.

This little tool set was confiscated.

The irony is that I already had passed one standard security check and this one was an extra one. Also, just behind me the just let a bunch of folks through to thin out the back-up. So, how serious could this check be?

The silver lining on this dark cloud of idiocy is the extreme kindness of the security guys near gate 27 at Heathrow today. They apologized for having to take it. When I asked the gate personnel if I could check my bag at the gate, they showed me the chute nearby just for that. Then, the security guy kindly accompanied me and put my little toolset in my bag and watched with me as it flew down the chute.

We all turned out winners today and kindness and common sense overcame stupidity.


Internet 2.0 – Blogs and Social Software Event in Paris, 25 April 2005

I’ll be there. Maybe even give a talk on something interesting.

Link: LoicLeMeur Wiki – Internet 2.0.

What is this event ?

Within the last few months, the Internet as we know it has started to change very fast, taken by storm by blogs and social software.

I decided to organise in my city, Paris, an event to help us better define what’s coming next, the first of this kind in Paris, all in english and with a dream panel of the key movers and shakers in the world.

It is a one day and (probably) one evening event on Monday, April 25th, so you could also plan for a cool week-end in our beautiful city of Paris the day before.

Where ?

We’re so proud to announce that the French Senate receives us for this one day event. Yeayyy.

15, rue de Vaugirard
75291 PARIS Cedex 06

It is NOT a conference organised by events professionals, mostly self-organizing event I start with a bunch of friends so PLEASE be nice about all the changes that are going to happen, and we also need your help !

Great store sign in Munich

When I was on my way to get my new Crumpler bag at the store on Adalbertstrasse in Munich, I passed by this beauty salon. Very funny.

For those who don’t know – Schick is my last name.

But, no one’s ever called me Micky.