"It'll be interesting to see how it all progresses culturally and legally as cloud services continue to take off, and new ways of computing – mobile, tablets, web apps, etc. – push the status quo again and again."
"Since then, however, feeds have started to fade in importance. Google introduced it's Reader, and everyone who were real news junkies moved to using that. Everyone else either uses Facebook or Twitter. In fact, if you're a new news site or blog, it's pretty much required have a Twitter and FB account to push out your changes nowadays."
links for 2010-12-09
In the past year I've seen a ton of great tools for invtravital imaging – imaging molecules and cells in live organisms. Very cool.
"As Facebook, Twitter and other technologies become more pervasive, more hospitals are hiring staff members dedicated solely to social media — and getting physicians to use these tools."
links for 2010-12-07
"A year after releasing a prototype version at the climate talks in Copenhagen, Google has unveiled its much-anticipated "Earth Engine""
links for 2010-12-03
"Jumo will be successful because the nonprofit world needs one place where the public can connect with multiple nonprofits without leaving one Web page."
Dashboard. Drink.
links for 2010-11-30
Sigh. And a short-short I wrote in frustration: http://bit.ly/euhkRw
[via @mrgunn]
links for 2010-11-29
Hm. Saw a great talk last week about this. Does not compute. I guess it's the difference between the 5-10 years of new biotech and the 2-5 years of investors attention.
links for 2010-11-27
"SkyScoutThe Celestron SkyScout is a revolutionary handheld device that uses advanced GPS technology with point and click convenience to identify thousands of stars, planets, constellations and more."
Wicked. I'd use it every night.
links for 2010-11-22
"The two brewers claim Infinium is the first new beer created under the German beer purity law, called the Reinheitsgebot, in more than 100 years. (Under the law, only four ingredients — malt, hops, yeast, and water — can be used to make beer.)"
links for 2010-11-21
Makes me think of P2P social networking. Take back the cloud!
"The Green Bin Program of Canada’s Niagara Region discovered that SunChips bags take 14 weeks to biodegrade, which is too long; single-layer compostable trash bags take only three to four weeks."
"The plastic industry lobby’s primary argument against biodegradable and compostable products has simply been – there is no composting infrastructure in the U.S."
They are correct.
links for 2010-11-19
Very clever. /via @adambluestein
"ProFounder gives you the tools you need to raise money from your friends, family and community." Very interesting. /via @karllong