What to do with so many layers of technological sediment?
Much to my wife’s frustration, I have a habit of holding on to old tech. So what’s in my basement? Computers A 1987 Mac II (16-bit 68020 chip!) with...
Much to my wife’s frustration, I have a habit of holding on to old tech. So what’s in my basement? Computers A 1987 Mac II (16-bit 68020 chip!) with...
I stumbled upon domestic-use in-vessel composters (on a lead from @harvestpower, of course). I had heard of in-vessel composting, but never realized that at lea...
“This toilet floats. It’s an outhouse and sewage-treatment plant in one, processing human waste through a “constructed wetlands.” Adam K...
“New York is testing out a new water scrubber at one of its wastewater treatment plants in Queens. Meet the algal turf scrubber–two 350-foot slides ...
“Developing countries lack both clean water and clean energy sources. By converting soiled water into energy and clean water, a new project could wipe awa...
In one panel, I got upset that all recycling talk was about the consumer and the waste management companies. I asked what about producer responsibility. To my s...
More on Extended Product Responsibility in the US. Bookmarked in Delicious. Read this article…
Great presentation on what it would take to get to zero waste. Michael was a great presenter as well. What’s really cool is that the US is hovering around...
Great study commissioned by the state of MA to find out what was ending up at some of the state's big recycling centers. Already the raw data are starting ...
Presentations from the Organics Waste and Recycling event held at the end of March. It was great and I’ll link to some of the presentations. Bookmarked in...